Mooi initiatief dat we als BlijNieuwslezersbijdrage ontvingen: Vluchtelingen Amsterdam online, Doneer je oude laptop of smart phone. “Het plan is om je oude laptop of smartphone door ons te laten controleren en leeghalen, vervolgens knappen we hem op en doneren we hem aan een vluchteling in een noodopvanglocatie in Amsterdam. Deze mensen zitten daar langdurig (momenteel al sinds september) wachtend op hun procedure. Deze mensen hebben geen geld, geen tegoed op hun telefoon, en mogen niet werken. Je helpt ze enorm met jouw ‘oude beestje’!!!” Zie hieronder de verdere toelichting (in het Engels) van de initatiefnemers.
You bring your old device to Y-bug in the Linnaeusstraat 60
Copy-paste link in your browser.
Linnaeusstraat 60
monday: 10.00-17.00 hours
tue/friday: 10.00-18.00 hours
saturday: 10.00-17.00 hours
The aim:
Get all refugees in Amsterdam online! Phones break, get lost, just like in our own lives. We make money and buy a new phone, they cannot.
They never have a laptop on arrival ( I work since 7 months in shelters and have not seen anyone who brought their laptop from home)
So this is where WE come into the picture!
STATUSHOLDERS can apply for a phone or laptop trough de gemeente! So please, give your friends that are still waiting in a camp in Amsterdam, the chance to receive this laptop or phone, and see what de gemeente can do for you if you already have a status.
The idea:
We collect old Laptops and SMARTphones (because of free whatsapp in wifi-area’s, they have no money to buy credit!)
And then?
From all we collect, we pick out (every now and then) a laptop that could be resold. Yavuz and Mostafa fix it, and after selling it creates cash with which new harddisks or other parts can be bought.
About LAPTOPS : Ypou can bring full laptops, broken laptops ( we often think it’s broken untill we meet people like Yavuz or Mostafa :-) , laptops with dead battery, no charger, to small storage, missing alphabetical parts, etc.
About SMARTPHONES: please make sure it has no more safety-code or apple-id which make it impossible for us to distribute! This happened a few times already unfortunately!
Old smartphones need to have at least the ability to install whatsapp and have a battery that lasts a few hours at least.
Yavuz and Mostafa will make sure your data are saved properly, so bring an external harddisk with you. After that it will be cleaned, installed with a new harddisk with enough storage if the model allows an update.
After that it is READY to be be donated to a refugee.
Who we are
Yavuz Tona from ‘Y-bug onderdelenhuis’ , Amsterdam Linnaeusstraat 60, you can also find his shop here on fb.
Yavuz is specialised in any computer and laptop procedure and/or reparation, and has a big big heart.
Mostafa Ezzi, former refugee, living in Amsterdam and being a specialist in IT, currently doing a apprentice at Yavuz’s shop to learn about reparing as well, and besides that becoming a dear friend.
Claudia van Loon, volunteer with refugees and ex-refugees in Amsterdam, and passionate about creating new plans, trying to include recycling, humanity and love.
We also have two Passionate moderators exept Claudia; contact them for any unclarity.
Ammar Aldoura and Saeed Zaatour.
YOUR REWARD???? YES we would love to reward you!
A bar of TONY’ S CHOCOLONELY chocolate!!
kindly donated by the company of Tony’s chocolonely.
Plus: you are making somebody really happy without asking something in return, also known as LOVE.
Together we can get all refugees ONLINE!!!